Samlet blogtekst

  • 🇬🇧 On the pattern in a stand of nettles

    🇬🇧 On the pattern in a stand of nettles 142. A stand of nettles grows up on exposed soil along the fence. Here are flickers of sun and effects of shadow. Here is the smell of soil, the air is mild. The colours are yellowish, green, delicate green, almost white.143. The stand is sligtly rounded…

  • 🇬🇧 Grey Morning Before Rain

    🇬🇧 Grey Morning Before RainSounds and air fallTo the ground. Silence.Movements sink downTo the ground. Silence.Trees falter and halt,Plants pause.The crust of earth,Fungus, humusfibresHeavenward, waiting.Bacteria hesitate,Beetles, millipedes stop,Roottips open up.Daylight sinks, grayish,Covers the ground.Reflections fadeColors turn flat.Depth and effectPlain, effaced.Only smells augment,Cool, viscous.The inner zoneClosest to the bodyExpands, absorbs,Wind from the sea.Smell and tast mingle,Mold…

  • 🇬🇧 The Umwelt of the Gardenspider Spawn

    🇬🇧 The Umwelt of the Gardenspider Spawn301.  The garden spider’s Clump of spawn: Pinhead yellow bodies, Black behinds.302.   Hatched in a sack   Of golden buds   Suspended on straws,   A bush or flowercups.303.   Come closer, Pluck a string: Golden spots spread On silky threads.304.   Floating movements Suspended in oil; Viscous slo-mo, A…