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  • 🇬🇧 Paean to multitudes

    🇬🇧 Paean to multitudes1363. In multitudes the land shall live with all beings endowed with the right exist and to teem as far as their abilities and genomes permit them in an abundance of ways and forms and species that arise from the common multitudes and perish again as part of the earth’s endless churning…

  • 🇬🇧 Compas and Cryptochromes

    🇬🇧 Compass and CryptochromesI – A nest of robins1294. Yesteryear, a mild and early summer, Flowerboxes in bloom on the facade; Right under my study window A box of new pelargonias. I was just feeling the plants My fingers around the roots, Because it feels good, and then: Suddenly something alive, downy, Pulsating and warm…

  • 🇬🇧 Spider on a Headstand

    🇬🇧 Spider on a Headstand376. A spider weaves its web Above the headstand one day; We lie beneath, watching.377. I think: A net to catch imaginations; My love thinks: You will be pissed on. I say: You lack entomological knowledge. My love says: You lack life experience.378. The spider conceives of flies, Of eating its…