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Danmarks naturlove (4)

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Human organik

🇬🇧 To the Poet – from the Mouse

On turning a page in the works of Robert Burns.

To the Poet – from the Mouse

Ach, Rabbie, apologies accepted;
Your words ring true, you do regret it.
Tho’ mice and men remain related,
   Yet, we know the price;
After all, it is to be expected
  That men kill mice.

Rabbie, we could have had a blether,
A wee natter on life and weather.
In winter we could sit together
  By the fire warmer;
Surely, we could discourse forever,
  My fellow farmer.

Kindred minds, ay, Rabbie Burns,
That we are, and curse him that spurns
A mouse that feels and learns
  From past and present.
Wisdom, they say, is man’s gift to earn,
  But nay, it isn’t.

I shall miss the barns, the fields, the hay.
I shall even miss the owl and cat at play.
Perhaps we may return there one day,
  Poet of the land,
Before our joys and soils are blown away
  And turn to sand.

Death by scythe and death by plough
Is now death by poisons anyhow.
Fens and trees and thickets cease to grow;
  The land’s undone:
A barren scape where empty rivers flow;
  Rabbie, it’s gone.

Man’s dominion is beyond belief;
All your fears will turn to grief.
Tho’ to you it may be small relief
  That mice may then
Retake and repopulate; in brief:
  Replace all men.

Rabbie, in parting let’s rejoice
That men may one day take your advice
And stop the killing and maiming of mice.
  Think, what a feastie!
Be well, may these humble words suffice,
  Yours truly, Beastie.


Rabbie is the Scottish nickname for Robert Burns.

This poem does not properly speaking belong to the Ten Thousand Things Blog and is too squarely placed in the Anglo-Saxon literary canon in which I was formed. But it is related in content and I see it as a one the poems that lead me to the formative idea of this blog. The poem was written in English and no Danish version exists.


🇬🇧 Eleftherna Venerations

New in Index Ten Thousand:

Ravine ◦ 485, Veneration ◦ 486, Kermes oak ◦ 486, Shadow ◦ 487, Ve ◦ 487, Sisters ◦ 488, Gulley ◦ 489, Fig tree ◦ 489, Hind ◦ 489, Ox ◦ 489, Ivy ◦ 490, Ancient ◦ 490, Ruckus ◦ 491, Slicking ◦ 491, Earth quake ◦ 492, Queen ◦ 492.

Glossary: Ve is the vegetal identity and personal pronoun. Veneration is the vegetal generation and keeper of the ground.

Eleftherna is the ruins of an ancient city on Crete, inhabited from ca. 900 BCE to 800 CE.

🇬🇧 A Proud Fish

New in Index Ten Thousand:
Fish ◦ 1259, Shoal ◦ 1260, Deep sea organs ◦ 1261, Streamlined organics ◦ 1262, The domain of fish ◦ 1263, Ten thousand ways of water ◦ 1263, Pride of fish ◦ 1264, Free fish ◦ 1265.

En stolt fisk

Lov om ret

Danmarks naturlove (3)

Lov om den almene overdådighed

Danmarks naturlove (2)

🇬🇧 Law on Abolition of the Kingdom

The Danish Laws of Nature (1)

🇬🇧 Billhook and Hedge

Hedgerow, Devon. Photo: Robert Wolton, Devon Hedge Group.
Hedgerow with ash, Devon. Photo: Robert Wolton, Devon Hedge Group.
My aunt’s billhook.
Laying the hedge. Photo: Robert Wolton, Devon Hedge Group.
Urban hedge, recently maintained, Richmond, London, 2023. Photo: Jacob Gammelgaard.
Hedgerow in March, with allotment in the foreground, Mistley, Suffolk. Photo: Jacob Gammelgaard.

With gratitude to Tom Hynes and Robert Wolton from the Devon Hedge Group who kindly made available three of the photos above. Their website, http://www.devonhedges.org, is a rich and loving fount of knowledge about hedges and the ancient craft of laying and tending them. The photos (and hopefully the poem), show just what a hedgerow can do: for wildlife, for landscapes and for human quality of life.

*) Stevns is a county south of Copenhagen.

Verses 113-139 in the Danish version The Blog of Ten Thousand Things.

New things in Index Ten Thousand: Ant • 135, Billhook • 120, Crab apple • 129, Ditch • 118, Edge of blade • 126, Fauna haven • 133, Farmland • 117, Field: right-angled • 119, Generation: homo s. • 138, Hawthorn • 128, Hazel • 132, Hedge • 113, Hill • 113, Hook • 125, Knowledge: farming • 123, Larvae • 134, Lawn • 139, Living hedge • 127, Learn • 124, Mason bee • 135, Parents: homo s. • 115, Peasant • 137, Pollen • 114, Remembrance: the land • 116, Rootshoot • 131, Seed • 129 , Shed • 121, Sloe • 128, Sparrow • 134, Whetstone • 136, Willow • 130.



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Tilstandsrapport over værkets brug af metaforer, antropomorfismer og andre banaliteter fra det poetiske feltarbejde.

Billedet er knipset fra min uundværlige ledsagebog Insekter i Danmark af Morten Hansen og Ole Jørgensen. Jeg låner det lige et øjeblik. Fordi det er simpelthen det bedste. Jeg lykkedes aldrig med selv at få et billede af den skorpionflue, jeg fandt i min busk af hvid snerre. Jeg skal nok lade være med at gøre det igen 🙏.

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