Samlet blogtekst

  • 🇬🇧 Law on Abolition of the Kingdom

    The Danish Laws of Nature (1) Law on Abolition of the Kingdom198. Ve do see how everything alive has a desperat urge to live. How everything alive is a desperat act of staying alive. How this desperation extends without pause to the boundaries of the kingdom.199. Ve notice the existence of categories. Categories accumulate knowledge…

  • 🇬🇧 Billhook and Hedge

    Billhook and HedgeI. As I’m young and greenAs I’m young and green among the brambles,And cars are small and black with wooden panels,We drive down Devon country lanes;Deep hedges rear up on both sidesFrom hill to hill and on down the coast.The wind blasts the window, tugs my hair,Warm summer air with dust, straw and…

  • Flammehat

    Flammehat 1236. Flammehat på stub og mos; Toksiner og sjælevandring Skubbet op i svampeform, Besnust, befølt, Smagssanser i alarm; Verden på en tungespids. Nyt i Index Titusind: Flammehat ◦ 1236, Toksin ◦ 1236.